Indiana Lee
Freelance Technical Writer

About Indiana Lee:

Indiana Lee is a writer and journalist from the Pacific Northwest, who has a particular interest in covering business and workplace issues, social justice and politics.

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Comprehensive Financial Strategies

Comprehensive financial strategies for modern hoteliers

Hotel financial planning is inherently a fast-paced, complex process. From seasonality to evolving consumer preferences, many extraneous factors affect hotel revenue. To stay competitive, you have to keep up with...
Impact of Climate Change

The impact of climate change on the hospitality industry’s future

As climate change continues, it’s vital for hospitality businesses to take preemptive action. This should include adapting buildings to be more resilient and planning effective continuity processes. 
Personalized Upselling and Cross-Selling

How personalized upselling and cross-selling can transform your hotel’s bottom line

Upselling add-ons like room upgrades, gym access, or additional extras like hampers will generate plenty of revenue for your hotel and typically require minimal costs. 
Sustainable Advantage

Sustainable advantage: How renewable energy is transforming the hospitality industry

The more renewable energy is integrated into the hospitality industry, the better understanding industry professionals will have of the impact it makes on ROE and the environment. Innovations will continue...