
The Hotel Shift Manager’s New Secret Weapon is Here

Let’s face it. The scheduling struggle for hotel shift managers is real.

You think you’ve come up with a beautifully executed shift plan that accommodates your entire team’s ever-changing availability — night school classes, child care needs, a conflicting work schedule at their second job, the list goes on.

Every personal detail is accounted for. You finally save your 14th version of the schedule you’ve created and close out that spreadsheet for the night. You did it. It’s done.

Then the inevitable happens. Your phone buzzes. Your email inbox lets out a spine-chilling “ding.” Your phone rings. It’s happening. Last minute schedule requests and shift changes from your team are flooding your inbox and wreaking havoc on your managerial masterpiece.

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Time to panic? Think again. The days of staying up all night feverishly hammering out next week’s work schedule are over. Here’s the secret to conquering the hotel shift manager’s very real struggle.

Meet Beekeeper’s Shift Schedules Feature

If you’re a shift manager who handles frontline workers, and you haven’t heard of Beekeeper, here’s the scoop. This Swiss-made team app has been quietly taking the hospitality industry by storm, becoming one of the top-rated employee communication apps on the market.

Frontline hotel employees use Beekeeper to chat, post updates, access onboarding information, and more. It’s the ideal tool for shift workers who are constantly on the move and need to communicate with each other in real time.

Recently, Beekeeper just announced that soon they will be rolling out a new Shift Schedules feature. With this new functionality, shift managers will soon be able to post their team’s schedule right in the app and be accessed by the entire workforce.

Why Shift Schedules Will Make a Hotel Shift Manager’s Life Easier

At first glance, Shift Schedules may seem like a simple convenience — a nice-to-have feature to save some time. But in reality, this tool has the potential to have a huge impact on ROI and drive real business value. Here are just a few ways this feature can help a hotel’s entire organizational climate in the form of reduced absenteeism.

As someone who worked in the service industry for almost 10 years, I can say that I’ve personally witnessed businesses lose money because of scheduling issues. I can’t count the number of times that I’ve seen someone miss their shift because they wrote down the wrong time, thought it was covered when it wasn’t, or just simply wasn’t told that their schedule had been updated. Being short-handed in the hospitality business can devastate the customer experience. Wait times get longer. Employees are stressed. Everyone is on edge. It’s a recipe for a Yelp-review disaster.

Don’t let another one-star review hurt your hotel’s reputation because someone on your team missed their shift. Give your team the internal communication tools they need to provide world-class service to each and every guest.

Author Byline

Jessica Ruane is a content marketing specialist with a diehard passion for the written word. As Beekeeper’s Content Writer, she creates content aimed at teaching companies how to unleash the potential of their frontline workforce. She especially enjoys providing tips and telling stories around operational efficiency, leadership, and the changing landscape of the digital workplace.  


Tags: Beekeeper, Shift Schedule


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