
The 3 Hidden Drivers of Labor Costs with Del Ross, Hotel Effectiveness

Matthew Stephens talks to Del Ross, Chief Revenue Officer of Hotel Effectiveness about Hotel Labor Costs and Hotel Labour Management.


    • Why managing labor expense is central to generating profit for hotels
    • The 3 hidden drivers of hotel labor costs
    • Why empowering front line managers is so important for managing labor costs

About Hotel Effectiveness

Hotel Effectiveness offers a solution to rising hotel labor costs. Their intelligent, easy to use labor management system is proven to reduce total labor costs by 5% or more, and our hotels report overtime reductions of 90% in some cases. They use robust labor standards – the staffing rules developed for each hotel – combined with key operating drivers to produce dynamic work schedules for each manager. Full visibility into forecasted staffing needs, active trends, and individual employee productivity and hours enable real-time decision making to achieve 100% perfection with staffing costs. Visit

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Tags: insights, Labor management, labour management


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