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Hotel leaders build inclusive sustainability framework assessable to all

Hotel industry inclusive sustainability framework Jin Jiang International (Holdings) Co., Ltd. including their affiliates Jin Jiang Hotels, Louvre Hotels Group, and Radisson Hotel Group, and other leading groups with 25,000 hotels total, launch an initiative to set a common definition of hotel sustainability to drive responsible travel & tourism.

In a unique cooperation between the World Travel & Tourism Council, the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance, and leading hotel companies, in consultation with distribution partners and key Tourism & Travel stakeholders, the hotel industry celebrates a responsible return to business with an initiative to raise the global basic level of hotel sustainability in a clear and transparent manner for all travelers and stakeholders.

The Basic Sustainability framework will critically deliver on a common starting point for hotel sustainability accessible to all hotel actors worldwide– whether they are part of large international Groups or independents. Providing this common understanding for all hotels worldwide with actions that have a positive impact on the planet and people will drive real change by stimulating the demand for responsible travel.

The Basic Sustainability framework reinforces and works in complement to the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance’s Pathway to Net Positive Hospitality, which aims to enable every hotel to improve their impact, whatever their starting point on their sustainability journey. and will encompass four clear stages and practical tools that guide the industry towards a regenerative impact on our planet.

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In the coming months, the hotel groups joint in this initiative, will work in close alignment with the WTTC, the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance and key stakeholders, on finalizing the essential sustainability actions with demonstrable positive impact, and collaborate to share tools and best practices with each other and the wider industry to ensure all hotels start on a pathway towards the targets of the COP 21 Paris Accord.

The sustainability basic framework is aligned with main aspirations such as the UNWTO Glasgow Declaration and the UNSDG’s decade of action.

Current partner groups include leading hotel companies such as Accor, Barceló Hotel Group, Huazhu including their affiliate Deutsche Hospitality, Indian Hotels Company Limited, Jin Jiang International (Holdings) Co., Ltd. including their affiliates Jin Jiang Hotels, Louvre Hotels Group and Radisson Hotel Group, Meliá Hotels International, Minor Hotels including NH Hotel Group.

The Basic Sustainability framework has now entered the development phase and will be launched in March 2022.

Quotes from participating companies

“While Accor is actively working towards achieving carbon neutrality in line with its science-based targets, we welcome the Basic Sustainability Framework initiative. We believe that this framework is a useful step towards ambitious sustainability goals and practices for the hospitality industry.” – Sébastien Bazin, Chairman, and CEO, Accor.

“At Barceló Hotel Group we are fully aware of the challenge that we face to achieve a sustainable transformation of one of the most relevant economic sectors on a global scale. That is why we see this alliance as a great opportunity to support and promote the path for sustainable tourism and an active contribution towards the fulfilment of the SDGs.” – Raúl González, CEO EMEA at Barceló Hotel Group.

“We have only one chance with planet earth. Deutsche Hospitality with its approximately 11,000 employees is aware of this responsibility. Participation in the Basic Sustainability framework, therefore, is a matter close to our hearts. We, as part of the Huazhu Group Limited, are proud of being an active partner of this initiative. Let’s seize the opportunity to make a big difference together.” – Marcus Bernhardt, CEO of Deutsche Hospitality.

“It is our great pleasure to participate in the Basic Sustainability framework. While providing first-class hotel services to our guests, Huazhu also pursues an environmentally-friendly development model, emphasizing environmental management and the reduction of our overall footprint. This falls in line with the national goal of peaking emissions and carbon neutrality, contributing to the global efforts to tackle climate change. We, including our affiliate Deutsche Hospitality, are continually aiming to build a resource-saving and sustainable enterprise with refined management and operations.” – Hui Jin, CEO of Huazhu Group Limited.

“We live in an era of transformation today. Our world is changing at an unprecedented pace with the rise of new technologies, growing environmental concerns and a renewed, collaborative understanding of economic and social value. We are committed to creating shared value for all our stakeholders, communities, and the planet. It is our pleasure to partner with the Basic Sustainability framework on this journey.” – Puneet Chhatwal – MD & CEO, the Indian Hotels Company Limited – IHCL.

“Congratulations on the birth of the Basic Sustainability framework, we are honored to be part of the initiative! Sustainable development has become more meaningful while the industry is recovering from the pandemic and the whole world is threatened by climate change. Jin Jiang International prioritizes running a sustainable and responsible business. We are thrilled to join this journey with WTTC and SHA as well as their members to contribute to a better world for mankind.” – Xiaoqiang Zhang, Chairman, Jin Jiang Hotels.

“At Louvre Hotels Group, as part of Jin Jiang International, we are convinced that the hotel industry needs to evolve to develop more sustainable practices aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals. That is the aim of our of global CSR plan “Objective 2025”. Because of the climate emergency, this work must be done collectively, with all the hospitality groups going in the same direction, but also with our staff members, our clients and our partners. Sustainability is becoming a new standard for everyone, that is exactly why we endorse the Basic Sustainability framework with a lot of energy and hope.” – Pierre-Frédéric Roulot, CEO Louvre Hotels Group.

“Meliá Hotels International is proud to be part of the Basic Sustainability framework. In the face of the current climatic emergency, all industries, and also tourism, must join forces and assume their own commitments, taking into account their own reality. This alliance is an excellent platform that should lead us to identify and promote opportunities that benefit society as a whole. Sharing knowledge, innovation and good practices, through clear and homogeneous measurement indicators, is the best way to, together, make the challenge a reality. In this commitment we do not understand competitors, we understand allies with whom we want to move towards a sustainable future from a responsible present.” – Gabriel Escarrer Jaume, Vice Chairman & CEO of Meliá Hotels International.

“We must all take responsibility for the impact that our industry has and there is no better way to do it than through uniting forces with other key industry players to achieve this common goal. In the rebirth of hospitality, after the toughest years in our history, we endorse the Basic Sustainability framework with the aim of leading through example and the certainty that the project will be a turning point for the future of all stakeholders.” – Dillip Rajakarier, Group CEO of Minor International and CEO of Minor Hotels.

“This is a promising opportunity to leverage the strength and influence of the hotel industry to really make an impact. For years, the sector has been an engine for economic growth, social development and the coming together of cultures and now, together, we will also be the driving force to a more sustainable future. We, as part of Minor, endorse the Basic Sustainability framework with great enthusiasm and the conviction that it is a huge step in the right direction.” – Ramón Aragonés, CEO NH Hotel Group.

“After the pandemic, we are pleased to see that the hotel sector is taking a coordinated and non-competitive way forward to facilitate a true and effective response to the climate change challenge we face. The Basic Sustainability framework is a step-change that will help every hotel to get started on their sustainability journey faster. This will move us at Radisson Hotel Group, together with our owners Jin Jiang International, and the whole industry closer towards the ultimate target of Net Zero and, at the same time responds to our clients’ demand for sustainable travel options that are easy to understand.” – Federico J. González , CEO Radisson Hotel Group.

Tags: Hotel industry leaders, Inclusivity, sustainability


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