Global News

WTTC responds to the latest announcement from the UK government

WTTC response UK government announcementVirginia Messina, Senior Vice President WTTC, said: “After more than a year of lockdowns and severe restrictions, this is great news, and we welcome the Prime Minister’s commitment to allow those who are double-jabbed to avoid quarantine after returning from an amber-list country. 

“However, we hope the UK government will not leave behind those who are not fully vaccinated, and ensure there is a plan in place to make international travel for those people, as stress-free and as cost-effective as possible.

“Reopening international travel will give businesses up and down the country a much-needed lifeline, Brits a well-earned holiday, and boost the UK economy.

“However, we must never forget the huge sacrifices that so many have made over the last 18 months, and the huge suffering experienced by so many, and we, therefore, hope the public will remain vigilant.”

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Tags: COVID restrictions, COVID Vaccination, COVID-19, England, United Kingdom


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