Global News

WTTC responds to news to allow for a return of U.S. visitors

EU announcement on US visitorsVirginia Messina, Senior Vice President WTTC, said: “Today’s announcement from the EU advising member states to begin welcoming back U.S. travel is the latest piece of encouraging news from global leaders as we all work towards revitalising the global Travel & Tourism sector.

Reopening pathways for tourism and business between countries within the EU and the U.S. is a significant step in providing a much-needed boost to the economy and job market across all parties involved.

With 42% of the U.S. population now fully vaccinated, according to the latest data provided by the CDC, combined with the EU’s continued vaccine rollout and introduction of digital travel certificates, the time is now to begin to lift restrictions safely and sustainably.

Travel & Tourism is responsible for millions of jobs and livelihoods. Global leaders working together to reinstate travel around the world safely and consistently, as addressed in the G7 Communique, will be crucial to the global economic recovery.”

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Tags: EU, reopening, WTTC


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