Global News

Hotel demand in most US states now within 15% of 2019

US hotel demandU.S. room demand continues to push toward the comparable levels of 2019. As a reminder, 2019 is being used as the recovery benchmark due to the heavy pandemic impact in 2020.

For the 4-week period ending 15 May, 29 states experienced room demand totals within a 15% margin of the comparable period in 2019. Recalling that overall U.S. room demand dropped by greater than 80% during the worst weeks of this recession, there is evidence of widespread improvement as all but five markets during the past month registered a 30% (or less) deficit in recent rooms sold from 2019 levels.

STR’s latest 51-chart demand map shows that many markets are close to matching their 2019 levels, and since the previous update in April, 4-week demand levels in both Mississippi (demand index average=106.5) and Arkansas (102.4 index) have both beat the 2019 comparables.

In contrast, several major markets have a ton of ground to make up, including Washington D.C. (33.7 index), New York (55.0 Index), Massachusetts (58.5 index), and Hawaii (58.8 index).

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For a deeper dive into U.S. hotel performance recovery, please refer to STR’s Market Recovery Monitor.

If you are interested in the data behind this visual, please contact

Tags: COVID-19, Pandemic, STR, US hotel demand


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