
Vegan philosophy: To be or not to be plant-based?

Whether it’s for reasons of health, animal ethics, sustainability, religion, food labelling or fashion, the question remains: what is veganism in the end? A societal, ethical trend or a historic vegan philosophy of food that’s actually been around for millennia? 


What is servitization?

When servitization is done well, it leaves customers feeling cocooned in service provision. Comfortable with a product they can trust and happy to rely on services when they need them, sometimes even before they know they do. 


Resilient Leadership: 6 traits of all successful leaders

Business requires resilient leaders to weather inevitable storms; they will also need a generous helping of human creativity and innovation. Sustainably breathing life back into the economy will call for imaginative solutions driven by resilient leaders. So go forth and get comfortable being uncomfortable. 

Resilient Leadership

6 main ethical concerns of service robots and human interaction

“Service Robots” come with a variety of ethical questions regarding their use. Research in this field can help to find the win-win balance where companies reduce their costs, adapt employee activities and give customers added value with the right use of robot technology.

6 main ethical concerns of service robots and human interaction

How will hospitality emerge from the pandemic?

“Welcome back to the new abnormal, how may I help you?” As hospitality emerges, with its lot of winners and losers, from the wreckage of the pandemic, a new industry is emerging where challenges and opportunities await the surviving players.

emerge from the pandemic