Massimiliano Terzulli
Revenue Management Strategist
Revenue Team by Franco Grasso

About Massimiliano Terzulli:

Massimiliano Terzulli is Revenue Management Strategist and International Business Developer for Revenue Team by Franco Grasso. He’s helped hundreds of hospitality businesses achieve 20%+ yearly revenue growth in competitive business markets. With a decade of prior experience as hotelier, he’s managed every hotel sales aspect as well as front and back-office operations. From 3 and 4-star hotels to luxury resorts like Relais&Chateaux and Carnival cruise lines, he consistently excelled at controlling costs, ensuring quality and reputation, and maximizing profitability.   

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revenue management

The surprising way revenue management uses 2019 to forecast 2022 profits

No matter what 2022 holds, recent trends prove revenue management is a powerful business tool, and it gives hoteliers the power to manage cash flow despite a world of unknowns.