Anders Johansson
Demand Calendar

About Anders Johansson:

Anders is the CEO of Demand Calendar – a system with 100+ functions for management and the commercial team to plan, track and optimize all hotel revenue streams. With 30+ years in leading positions in hotels and restaurants, Anders started to apply revenue management in hotels in the late 1980ties and has since been successful in driving revenue in many hotels.

For the past ten years, he has worked as a consultant to create business models, visions, and brands and increase revenue streams for businesses within the hospitality industry. Anders has also, for 18 years, been teaching two 5-week courses in Strategic Revenue Management in the Hospitality Management Program at the School of Hospitality, Culinary Arts & Meal Science at Örebro University in Sweden.

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Demand Calendar




Hotel focus 2023

The general manager’s top priority list for 2023

General managers that put more effort into the commercial work in the hotel will likely steal market share from the competition. Here are three things that are the top priorities...
Customer Acquisition Cost

How to budget and manage Customer Acquisition Cost

The traditional P&L based on cost categories is not telling stories about what is going on in the business, nor does it help make any relevant decisions.
hotel check-in

The hotel check-in process has been the same for 100 years

Here are the most common steps in the current process and how they emotionally affect the guest.