
How on-demand staffing helps hotel recovery

While we want to see our hospitality colleagues back to work as quickly as possible, owners will be overhead-challenged for the foreseeable future and need to rethink how to reorganize their businesses. Enter on-demand staffing for independent hotels.

on-demand staffing

2019 in Review: HR Insights

As 2019 comes to a close, and a new decade in hospitality begins, we’ve collected the top eHotelier insights across the year. Here are 3 of the most clicked and shared HR insights for 2019.


Creating and using staffing guides

A staffing guide allows owners and managers who supervise the hotel to see at a glance what the staffing levels are and it serves to help department managers see and understand the staffing plan. With turnover, this is a critical tool for continuity.

staffing guide

Star performers need to be identified and valued

While hoteliers tend to be very good at weeding out those who we find unable to excel in a service-based culture, at the same time we often overlook our star performers or do not give them the motivations they need to stay enamored.

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