In an industry as competitive as hospitality, creating a seamless guest journey is essential for hotels. Here is a step-by-step recap on how to do it.
Hotel operator’s checklist to master flawless check-in
The check-in process begins long before guests arrive at the front desk – and extends beyond checkout as well. From pre-arrival to during and after a guest’s stay, there are multiple touchpoints that define how a guest experiences your hotel’s approach to hospitality.
Increase your hotel’s revenue by focusing on guest experience
A positive guest experience can result in glowing online reviews, return visits, and a brand reputation that contributes to ongoing growth.
Economy properties as guestroom vending machines
Vending machines replace the need for a cashier or any other form of staffing besides restocking and maintenance. Can hotels be the same?
Selling rooms in the aftermath of a sale
There is a literal goldmine if you are able to adeptly insert yourself into the travel discovery conversation. So, let’s breakdown what’s going through a guest’s mind at each of the five major stages from post-booking to check-in.
Incremental room revenues start at pre-arrival
Luckily, pre-arrival represents one area of the customer journey where you can make significant inroads inexpensively and relatively quickly towards genuine guest experience personalization.