In the short term and mid-term your goal is to maintain customer relations, generate incremental cash flow where possible, cover fixed costs and keep as many people employed as possible. In the long term your goal is to recover and scale back up faster than the competitive set.
The Coronavirus pandemic: What should hoteliers do regarding marketing?
Focusing on the future and what we can do to prepare for recovery matters. Take a proactive approach and don’t allow your organization to turn a 2-month crisis into a 6- to 9-month business downturn because you laid low. Now is the time to invest in your company.
ITB aftermath: market transformation through crisis
At this time in crisis, we need to look within ourselves at what is in reach; what do we do well, how and where are we experts; we need to utilise the skills and resources available to us to keep budgets trim, and we need to look toward collaboration to spread our net as wide as we possibly can.
HSMAI special report: Crisis communications for hospitality marketing professionals
In a crisis situation, business leaders don’t just need information. They need inspiration. They need success stories.
Sojern now offers data-driven travel marketing solutions around the world
Tour and Activity Operators can now seamlessly build multi-channel, always-on digital advertising campaigns that drive online sales.
Hotel marketing and why it’s a good idea to stick with the facts
Today’s customers and guests are well informed and have fine “antennas” and they quickly notice what’s going on and detect B.S. from miles away. That’s why authenticity and sincerity are in high demand.
The 5 P’s of storytelling for hotel & lodging properties
A standout story ensures that you’re attracting your ideal guests online, setting proper expectations for your on-site experience, and giving guests a great story to tell their friends and family about.
2019 in Review: Marketing insights
As 2019 comes to a close, and a new decade in hospitality begins, we’ve collected the top eHotelier insights across the year. Here are 3 of the most clicked and shared Marketing insights for 2019.
How to transform your hotel’s marketing with storytelling
To compete with non-traditional accommodation businesses, you need to create stories that will make travelers believe that your hotel can offer an interesting, one-of-a-kind experience.
10 items to include in your hotel marketing budget
If you do the hotel marketing budget when you work on the marketing plan, you can determine segments with opportunity and create a marketing plan broken down by month that includes events, trends and seasonality.