
Hospitality HR: challenges facing the new COVID-19 world

Here are insights from an Executive Roundtable for hotel chief human resources officers in the Asia Pacific region to discuss the current and potential future challenges they are facing in the new world of COVID-19. Government support, innovation and employee well-being are just some of what’s on their minds now.


Hotel marketing strategies for Covid-19 business recovery

Though many hotels are undertaking cost rationalization to get ready for the after-effects of the Covid-19 lockdown, this is not the time for hoteliers to pause marketing which would end up severely impacting their recovery.  Instead, every hotel chain or independent should devise their marketing strategy for two phases – during lock-down and post lock-down reopening.


Travel will again exceed pre-corona levels

Surely the drop in travel will linger on in 2021 and beyond, and it might be difficult to believe that we will ever return to pre-Corona levels, let alone exceed them. But let’s take a short look at history.

Travel will again exceed pre-corona levels
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