
Shielding hotel online reputations from labor challenges

To shield your hotel brand from negative reviews, you need to learn to do ‘less with more’, and that means employing technology to cover some parts of the job. Here are seven functionalities that can be automated to speed up response times and open up communication channels to guests throughout the customer journey.


Why hotel automation is key to business growth

If you consider using automation but aren’t confident it’s worth the investment, discover the benefits hotel automation technologies can bring to your hotel. On top of that, here’s what hotel operations should be automated in the first place and how to select the tool best suited for your business’s needs.


Does automation threaten jobs?

Understand that streamlining workflows doesn’t remove jobs. It gives your staff more time to focus on more interesting, better tasks – tasks that grow your business, tasks that wow your customers, and tasks that give them a deeper sense of satisfaction in the work they do. 

workplace automation
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