naked Group, a premium lifestyle brand, has announced the executive appointment of Caspar P. Schmidt for its resort business (naked Retreats).
Caspar P. Schmidt is the CEO of naked Retreats International Business. With over 20 years of experience in the hospitality industry, he thrives in operating multiple million-dollar assets for owners and consistently delivering excellent above-market results. Caspar has tremendous experience in hotel brand development and business pitches for large hotel projects and is a preopening specialist, with a solid understanding of how to restructure existing businesses to make them more profitable.
Before joining naked Group, he held the role of Group COO of Sydney’s boutique hotel brand Veriu; he also spent 13 years with Toga Far East Hotels in several senior management positions in Australia and Europe. In the future, Caspar will have the overall responsibility for all commercial operations of naked Retreats’ overseas businesses to achieve the strategic development goals in new markets.