
5 little changes that will make a big difference with your guests

As a hotelier we are always looking out for things that will make our hotels stand out among all the others. This is something that is becoming increasingly difficult. It is also something that is becoming more vital almost by the day.

I did a little survey here at Bidroom and I have compiled a little list of suggestions to make your guests stay more memorable and increase the chances of them telling their friends and family about your hotel.

Wifi-everywhereWiFi everywhere

Whether you like it or not, we live in an age where practically everyone wants and ‘needs’ a WiFi connection. Whether it is for keeping contact with their loved ones while they are away, or simply just to upload their latest picture to Instagram or Facebook. There are many options these days to make sure your guests have constant and fast connection. It doesn’t cost a lot of money either but it is something that will keep a smile on the face of your guests and one less thing that they might complain about.

Give them a cosy feel

Everyone likes to feel comfortable when they go away and if you can add a little something to make your guests a little more cosy then it will keep their heart warm for sure. Again, this doesn’t have to mean spending a fortune. If you are working on a small budget, think about things such as putting a few more pillows or small amenities and souvenirs that will remind them of your locale.

Free drink voucher

Picture this. Your guest arrives for their stay and checks-in at reception and when you hand over the keys, you also give them a voucher for a free drink at the bar. This is not only something that will make them feel like they are really wanted and give a great impression from the very start but is also the perfect opportunity to upsell to your guest.

When they come to the bar to collect their free drink, they will more than likely come with whoever they are staying with. They will also more than likely have more than one drink. And providing your bar staff are trained properly (see my article on making people feel welcome) then they may stay there all night and you can encourage them to eat in the restaurant for example. Upselling is one thing that should be engaged at all times.

Ticket for local concert/event

A nice idea for any guest is to perhaps arrange a ticket or free entry to a concert or event, local to your hotel. This is something that can be combined with a small leaflet, or landing page if you are more tech savvy, with some information on local events, restaurants and attractions. As a guest you will consider it to be extremely useful information, especially if you are staying with your children and they can find attractions quickly and easily. It will also most definitely be something they will mention to others or if you are lucky, post about on social media.

Free massage

Ok, I know this is possibly an expensive option if you don’t already run a spa resort or hotel, but maybe not. If you work with a local masseuse, especially if you can find one that works from home normally, you could give them a space to work in. Doing this could prove advantageous to both of you. You give them a space for free as payment for the ‘free’ massages you offer your guests. You give your guest a voucher for a 20 minute massage and a large majority of those people will want to stay for longer. This means the masseuse can charge for the ‘extra’ time and everybody wins. You just have to think outside the box a little.

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