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Dallas continues to lead the U.S. hotel construction pipeline

U.S. hotel construction pipelineIn the Q1 2022 U.S. Construction Pipeline Trend Report released by Lodging Econometrics (LE), at the close of the first quarter, Dallas leads all U.S. markets in the number of pipeline projects with 165 projects/19,730 rooms.

Following Dallas, the U.S. markets with the largest hotel construction pipelines by project count are Atlanta, with 135 projects/17,646 rooms; Los Angeles with 123 projects/20,176 rooms; New York with 122 projects/20,864 rooms; and Phoenix, with 103 projects/13,820 rooms.

Markets with the greatest number of projects already under construction are New York, with 90 projects/14,710 rooms, and Dallas, with 25 projects/3,698 rooms. Following Dallas, Atlanta has 25 projects/3,928 rooms, Austin has 25 projects/3,381 rooms, and Los Angeles has 21 projects/3,489 rooms presently under construction. These five markets collectively account for 19% of the total number of projects currently under construction in the U.S.

At Q1’22, Dallas has the most projects scheduled to start in the next 12 months, with 56 projects/6,537 rooms. Behind Dallas, are Atlanta with 54 projects/7,133 rooms; Houston, with 46 projects/4,690 rooms; Los Angeles with 45 projects/6,806 rooms; and Phoenix, with 44 projects/4,944 rooms.

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Dallas also has the most projects in early planning, at the end of Q1‘22, with 84 projects/9,495 rooms. Los Angeles follows, with 57 projects/9,881 rooms. Next is Atlanta with 56 projects/6,585 rooms; Nashville with 48 projects/5,635 rooms; and Orlando with 42 projects/7,204 rooms.

LE recorded totals of 1,420 projects/184,692 rooms in the renovation and conversion pipeline during the first quarter of 2022. The markets with the largest count of renovation and conversion projects combined are Chicago, with 29 projects/3,985 rooms; Houston, with 28 projects/3,116 rooms; Atlanta, with 22 projects/3,385 rooms; Dallas, with 21 projects/2,370 rooms; and Washington D.C., with 20 projects/4,275 rooms.

The top 50 markets saw 70 projects/8,390 rooms open in the first quarter of 2022. LE is forecasting these same 50 markets to open another 386 projects/51,811 rooms throughout the year, for a total of 456 projects/60,201 rooms by year-end 2022 for a growth rate of 2.3%. In 2023, 420 projects accounting for 51,519 rooms are forecast to open within the top 50 markets, with a 1.9% growth rate.

Of the top 50 markets in the U.S., New York has the greatest number of new hotel openings forecasted for 2022 with 77 hotels/10,934 rooms, for a 9% growth rate. Then Austin, which is forecasted to open 26 hotels/3,387 rooms for a 7.4% growth rate, Atlanta with 20 hotels/2,165 rooms for a 1.9% growth rate, Los Angeles with 19 hotels/3,330 rooms for a 3.1% growth rate, and Detroit with 18 hotels/1,935 rooms for a 4.1% growth rate.

Tags: Dallas, hotel construction pipeline, hotel investment

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