FairFly, an airfare price assurance provider, announces the release of FairFly Wellness.
This new solution delivers a full range of insights into traveler wellbeing. For the first time ever, Travel and HR leaders will have granular insights into how their travel program impacts both the physical and mental health of their traveling colleagues.
FairFly Wellness delivers key insights into the negative health impacts of delays, red-eyes, layovers, weekends away, airline quality, and even the ‘middle seat’ problem. A Traveler Wellbeing Score™ (TWS™) attached to each traveler provides at-a-glance insights into ‘at-risk employees’ and recommends proactive measures to improve the quality of their travel.
Employers often have attrition rates greater than 10% or even 15% for their road warriors. This can translate into millions of dollars in lost productivity, recruitment costs, long-term illness, and intellectual capital. Solving this problem by providing data-driven, actionable insights, employers can identify and mitigate employee ‘burn-out’ as well as tailoring travel policies that provide net benefits for the entire company.
Identifying the financial impact of employee wellbeing gives companies additional economic incentives to evolve travel policies; reducing attrition and measuring the commercial effect of travel on productivity as well as showing a duty of care.
“So far, discussions about employee and traveler wellbeing have not been particularly data-driven. By analyzing traveler itineraries and the millions of data-points we already process, we’re able to finally provide what HR and Travel Managers are screaming out for true data-driven insights into the health and wellbeing of each and every one of their business travelers,” said Aviel Siman-Tov, CEO and Co-founder at FairFly. “Our mission is to prioritize and promote traveler health as a key part of every travel program and, at the same time, highlight issues that have multi-million-dollar financial costs for companies.”
Research by the Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) suggests that 79% of business travelers say their job-related travel experience affects their overall job satisfaction. The financial impact of higher attrition connected to travel-related wellbeing for a 1000 employee company is estimated at around $2 million (USD).
FairFly Wellness is available immediately and globally, leveraging FairFly’s fully certified connectivity to Amadeus, Sabre, and Travelport. Additional enhancements are planned throughout 2019 and 2020.