Global News

Travel industry to see boost in 2019

travel-industryWhen asked about travel plans for 2019, 20 per cent of respondents plan on travelling more for business than in  2018 and 24 per cent said they would be travelling more for leisure.

More than 290 people participated in the survey conducted by The GO Group, LLC., which provides ground transportation at more than 85 airports worldwide.

These results were slightly lower than those from the same survey conducted last year in which 27 per cent of respondents stated they planned on travelling more frequently for business and 33 per cent more for leisure in 2018 over 2017.

Just seven per cent of this year’s survey participants said they planned on travelling less in 2019 for business and five per cent less for leisure; these results are identical to those of 2018.  Thirty-eight and 40 per cent noted they will travel the same amount for business and leisure, respectively, while 35 per cent are unsure of business travel plans and 31 per cent for leisure.

“As the economy continues to improve and the unemployment rate remains low, people will have the means to travel more frequently both for leisure and business,” says John McCarthy, president of The GO Group. “This will have a significant, positive impact on airlines, hotels and the overall hospitality industry and other related businesses.”

Tags: GO Group Survey, travel industry


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