What impact will GDPR have on hotels?

IHTF 300x300Over the last couple of years, the hotel industry is considered as one of the most vulnerable to data threats. It was reported that the hotel industry accounts for one of the highest numbers of breaches in any sector.

With the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), new laws will be put in place that seeks to safeguard the rights of EU data subjects. But what is GDPR exactly? GDPR is a new set of rules designed to give citizens more control over their data.

So why are hotels being breached? Well, hackers are attracted towards the hotel industry due to the wealth of consumer information it possesses. Any organisation that processes a high number of financial transactions is a key target for hackers.

Due to the many breaches by hackers, a new set of regulations have been imposed which hoteliers must follow. This rule must be implemented by May 2018.Ê Three rules include:

  • Duetto Trends Banner
  • eHotelier Essentials Banner
  • Hoteliers must provide customers with detailed information on why it needs to process personal data and how long it plans to keep the data for.
  • Hoteliers must preserve technical and organisational records to prove its protecting data.
  • Hoteliers will be required to have a section on their website that permits Òopting inÓ, thus allowing hotels to store personal data. In addition to this, hotels must explain the process, allowing guests to, modify and delete personal information.

Hoteliers all over the globe will need to comply with the new regulations. The new policies are produced to make sure that the data is managed to mitigate the risk of any adverse event, such as a breach.

By not adhering to the new GDPR, your organisation risks being hit financially with penalties, damaging your reputation.

To learn more about GDPR attend our GDPR sessions at this year’s International Hotel Technology Forum 2018. IHTF returns for its 16thÊbirthday, taking place in Mallorca, Spain.Ê If you would like to attend IHTF 2018,ÊRegister todayÊ& QuoteÊMK-BP-PR.


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