
Bassaraj Chikode completes eHotelier’s Diploma of Hospitality Management

Jannah Hotels has presented eHotelier’s Diploma of Hospitality Management to Bassaraj Chikode, the Executive Housekeeper at Jannah Marina Hotel Apartments, Dubai. Chikode has been working as an Executive Housekeeper with Jannah Hotels & Resorts for the past six years.

“I am thank full to our management for providing this platform of eHotelier online courses to enhance our knowledge. These past few months have acted like a stepping–stone, helping me to understand the hospitality industry in much greater depth.”

“The course material was good and included step-by-step exercises. eHotelier did a great job of communicating and making it simple for better understanding. I think it’s a very solid course. It taught me what I was looking to learn, and it was well organized and well-paced. I learned a lot and enjoyed every class during the course. I am looking forward to taking more courses in future!”

A presentation marking Chikode’s achievement was made at Jannah’s End of Year Celebrations. Jannah also recognised other learners who have completed eHotelier’s executive courses as below:

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Ahmad Hafez – Corporate Director of IT

Ladylyn Bautista – Front office manager

Andre Ferreira – Director of E-Distribution

Tijo Sam – Information Technology Executive

Tags: CareerTrack, Diploma of Hospitality Management, elearning, Jannah Hotels & Resorts


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