Cora Cora Maldives is delighted to announce it has been awarded the Platinum label of the SHe Travel Club! Having achieved this prestigious accolade for the second year in a row, the five-star resort is the first in the Maldives to make it to the top level and reach Platinum status. Cora Cora Maldives has officially gained the label for its attention to the comfort and safety of female guests, particularly solo travellers, and women travelling with friends, and children.
Cora Cora Maldives has been acknowledged as a safe and comfortable place for women to enjoy their stay. The SHe Travel Club supports the classification of hotels based on women’s needs and expectations and ensures checks of each property for safety, services, comfort, and dining. The SHe Travel Club promotes gender equality in hospitality and allows hotels and resorts to better understand and communicate with female guests, adapt their services, and improve customer experience while enhancing a safe and welcoming atmosphere.
64% of global travellers are women, yet eight out of 10 female travellers consider their companies do not take their safety into enough consideration. 73% of travel agents agree that women are more likely to travel solo than men. Travelling empowers women in several ways including, personal enjoyment, embracing economic independence, and pushing boundaries for an enhanced experience. Empowering women through hospitality is not a new concept for Cora Cora Maldives as they are constantly looking for innovative ways to inspire women and young girls across the destination. An extraordinary achievement in a traditionally male-dominated industry, the resort is also the first in the Maldives to have an all-female airport team and an all-female culinary team at their Ginger MoonÒ Asian Restaurant.
“We are delighted that we are the first Maldivian resort to achieve the Platinum level of the SHe Travel Club,” commented Vishen Mootoo, Commercial Director.
“Providing a safe and inclusive environment for our guests is a top priority, particularly for female travellers. One of the main improvements was in comfort, which is extremely important for women travellers, whether alone or in a group. We are proud to be recognised as trailblazers in improving the travel experience for women and we look forward to continuing to ensure our guests feel safe and comfortable during their stay,” enthuses Vishen Mootoo, Commercial Director.
To gain the coveted certification, the SHe Travel Club conducts studies in several countries to understand what women expect and need when they travel. ‘SHe, Safe and Happy everywhere’ is the promise to all women from the independent and global SHe hotel labelling organisation, whose recommendations are based on exclusive surveys of 5,000 women in five countries. The SHe Travel Club mark of approval offers peace of mind and quality assurance away from home.