
Tracy Prigmore awarded the 2024 Pioneer Award at ALIS

Tracy Prigmore
Images by ALIS

The International Society of Hospitality Consultants (ISHC) in partnership with the Americas Lodging Investment Summit (ALIS) presented Tracy Prigmore, Founder of TLTsolutions and creator of She Has a Deal., with the 2024 Pioneer Award.

Kristie Dickinson, ISHC President and Managing Director/EVP of CHMWarnick presented Prigmore with the award during the conference plenary session. Dickinson remarked, “Tracy is a hotel owner, operator, develop, fund manager, educator, mentor, and founder of the She Has a Deal. pitch competition, which educates and awards equity to women to acquire hotels. She is relentless in her advocacy for increasing diversity in hotel ownership and holds senior leaders accountable to ensure women have access to capital and the support they need to overcome historical barriers to entry to hotel investment.”

Jonathan Jaeger, ISHC Awards Committee Chair and Senior Managing Director of LW Hospitality Advisors commented “Pioneers are people who do things for the first time and open new pathways for many years to come. Tracy is a true pioneer in our industry, and we are excited to present her with this award.”

Upon accepting the award, Prigmore noted, “It’s an honor to receive recognition for something that is really about the heart and is a passion for me, helping other people and being a servant leader.”

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On her inspiration for creating the She Has a Deal. competition, Prigmore commented “It started because I found it very challenging to find the information I needed to be comfortable with the risks and to be successful as a hotel owner, and because I knew other women were interested in becoming owners and developers, I didn’t want them to have the same challenges and experience the same barriers that I did.” Prigmore concluded that “She Has a Deal. is everything I wish I knew before I started, everything I learned along the way, and everything I continue to learn each and every day as an owner and operator and now a developer.”

On the key to expanding diversity in hotel ownership, Prigmore noted, “It’s really to recognize that there are disparities between wealth, net worth, and liquidity for women and people of color just based on systemic issues in the past that kept us from earning and creating wealth and recognizing those challenges with the criteria that are traditionally applied. If you really want more women owning and developing, the criteria must shift.”

“Tracy is a leader, an inspiration, and she’s making a difference not only in the lives of the women she trains and supports, but also in her education and engagement of our industry leaders to make changes from the top down a reality,” remarked Kristie Dickinson, President of ISHC.

“Providing inspiration is a defining attribute for a Pioneer Award recipient, and the entire ALIS, The BHN Group and Northstar Travel Group team is proud to recognize Tracy Prigmore’s impact on the hotel industry through her inspirational and pro-active approach to opening doors in the hotel-investment community,” said Jeff Higley, President of The BHN Group. “It is visionaries like Tracy that pave the way for new approaches that facilitate growth and opportunities for so many individuals and the industry as a whole.” The Pioneer Award, established in partnership with ALIS in 1996, recognizes an individual each year who is considered a pioneer in their field by making an outstanding contribution, achievement, or improvement in the hospitality industry.

Tags: 2024 Pioneer Award, ALIS


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