
Eight FAQs About Social Media in Travel

By Feature Writer Frederic Gonzalo: Online marketing and social media in particular have changed how the travel decision-making process takes place, forcing travel brands to adapt their marketing accordingly. Yet, not everyone adapts at the same rate, and there are still many who question the worthiness of efforts in this sphere. Among frequently asked questions I often get on my blog or during and after conferences or workshops I give, I thought I would share a few of my favorites ones. In no particular order, here we go!

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Pinterest and Travel: A Match Made in Social Media Heaven

By Feature Writer Frederic Gonzalo: Because it plays a key role at the aspirational and planning stages of the travel decision-making process, Pinterest should therefore be considered in priority by travel destination, transportation (airlines, rail, cruise) and hoteliers. But restaurants, festivals, events and attractions can all gain from the web traffic generated through compelling visuals, as can be seen by some of the examples above. Pinterest has certainly gained a key role in the social media marketing world, in particular within the travel vertical. It will be interesting to see how Place Pins move the needle and where things lead in 2014.

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Can Social Networks Contribute to Responsible Tourism?

By feature writer Frederic Gonzalo: Personally, I don't think social networks alone contribute to responsible tourism, yet I firmly believe they act as catalysts to empower locals and travelers to shake the industry and create a new order that has yet to be specified. This disruption aligns in many ways with what defines responsible tourism, thus destinations need to take notice.

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How Travel Destinations Are Embracing Social

By Frederic Gonzalo: Back in 2009, the folks at Tourism Australia came up with was is still today considered one of the best contest ever held on the web, social media or anywhere else, for that matter: by submitting a video for why you should be chosen, this gave you automatic entry in a contest where the winner could work a complete year, all expenses paid, as caretaker for a remote, paradise-like island off the coast of Queensland, on the Grand Barrier Reef. The outcome? More than 14,000 video applications across key international markets, including the UK, USA, Europe, Japan and China, among others.

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