Fire and smoke alarms can lead to humorous and awkward incidents in hotels, but fire safety no laughing matter.
Managing a flood of risks
If your hotel is located in a flood prone area, there are measures you can take to minimize risks and to limit material damage and inconvenience to guests.
The benefits of a hotel risk assessment
When it protects the hotel brand, prevents the loss of hotel assets or guest property, when it prevents one single fire incident in the building, when it prevents one single accident, prevents an injury, prevents one death, the investment in a Risk Assessment is certainly worth it.
Free breakfast and other easy identity theft scams
Hotels can save money and prevent squabbles over bills by preventing non-guests helping themselves to the names and room numbers of legitimate guests.
Airline crew security – how safe is your hotel?
The hotel is a safe haven for airline crews and the only place to rest before embarking on their next flight. Therefore, it is important the hotel takes all necessary steps to avoid any intrusion into the crew’s privacy and to prevent sabotage of flight plans.
What to do with a naked guest
Why do many hotel guests suffering with somnambulism sleep naked, knowing the awkward and embarrassing situations that could happen?
Are you properly prepared for a blackout?
Blackouts can happen to hotels anywhere, anytime around the world. In some countries, hoteliers learn to live with blackouts, but are you prepared for all the implications of a longer lasting power loss?
Security challenges: A hotel is not an airport
Hotel security is complex, with the need to balance effective security measures with the welcoming philosophy of hospitality.