A combination OTA and online marketing channel, Nustay.com will offer personally tailored hotel discounts based on registered member profiles.
Booking.com on its parity commitments in Europe
Under the new commitments, Booking.com will abandon its price, availability and booking conditions parity provisions with respect to other online travel agencies.
HSMAI Revenue Optimisation Conference (ROC)
Attendees will learn about the latest trends in this discipline from industry experts and eHotelier members will receive a 10% discount if they book, using their eHotelier profile.
The fight against the OTAs starts at check In
Taking the time to develop and maintain guest relationships is the best tool any hotelier has against the OTAs. If handled successfully, the commissions paid to the OTAs can be a one time customer acquisition fee and the hotel now owns the relationship and any future reservations from that guest.
Hotel apps face threats in mobile battleground for travel bookings
Failure to thwart threats from Google and travel apps pose risks to both earning loyalty and the potential revenue stream hotel apps may offer.
The top 10 revenue-generating booking sites of 2014
SiteMinder has analysed the top 10 sites that gave back the most revenue to its hotel customers over the past year.
Reduce booking abandonment by getting bold with OTAs
By Sam Weston: Here’s what one hotel is doing to reduce booking abandonment on their new website – direct price comparison against four popular OTAs.
Hotels and OTAs: the love-hate relationship
By Frederic Gonzalo: There is more potential for collaboration than ruthless competition in this relationship, assuming hoteliers play their cards right.