When you avoid common eLearning mistakes, things become easier to explain, more engaging for learners, and more interesting for you too.
Why you need a mentor in your hotel management career
Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School shares with us lessons learned from their Alumni Mentoring Program.
Lost in Translation
Translation fails can be downright hilarious, but they sure aren’t funny or amusing to a hotel whose brand has been tarnished. What causes translations to go awry? How can hotel marketers avoid being lost-in-translation?
What makes a hospitality professional?
In the hospitality industry we have a tendency to recognise professionalism by the behaviour they show in dealing with their colleagues, in dealing with their customers and guests, and their general behaviour and presence, not by looking for membership or qualifications or a plaque on the wall.
8 ways online learning benefits organizations and individuals
Don’t have time for training? Here are 8 ways online learning will assist you to deliver the necessary training to improve product and service delivery, reduce costs and increase customer satisfaction.