Global News

Interstate expands footprint in Europe

Interstate Hotels & Resorts, the premier global hotel management services provider, continues to rapidly expand its footprint as it opens four new hotels in Europe and a regional office in Amsterdam. @InterstateNews


Interstate Hotels & Resorts assumes management of The Westin Alexandria

As a part of the company’s strategy to grow its upper-upscale collection, Interstate Hotels & Resorts – a global leader in third-party hotel and resort management – has assumed management of The Westin Alexandria in partnership with Hong Kong-based owner Junson Capital. @WestinAlexndria @InterstateNews

Global News

Interstate Hotels & Resorts expands footprint in Europe

Interstate Hotels & ResortsÊÐ a leading global hotel management company of franchised branded and independent hotels and resorts Ð announces the addition of 12 new hotels to its international portfolio, including the company’s first entry intoÊFrance. @InterstateNews

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