
Looking ahead: the hospitality industry in five years

Looking to the future has always been a tricky task, and given the pace of technological innovation taking place today, this has not become any easier. Nevertheless, it is possible to view trends as they are, and make some predictions with a fair degree of accuracy.


Appealing to every dimension of human nature

For luxury hotels, coming up with new ideas for innovation is one of the hardest things. However, looking outside the industry, there are some examples of pioneers presenting practical, tangible ideas for overcoming some of the typical barriers to innovative thinking among luxury hoteliers.

Montreux Jazz

2017 travel trends and industry opportunities

The pace of innovation across every industry and every company is astounding today, from natural language processing and data sciences to artificial intelligence and virtual reality. How exactly these mega trends are going to affect our industry, and hoteliers specifically, remains to be seen, but we do know that tomorrow will look very different from today.

Travel trends

Unlocking a hotel innovation strategy

It is human nature to always look for a better, more enhanced experience. Arguably, innovation is the key idea that is shaping corporate life, or even defining the actual corporate mission. Hospitality firms are not indifferent to the changes occurring at the level of their competitors, the fast-paced market, or emerging technology breakthroughs.

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