If you want to improve the safety and security of your hotel, but you don’t want to alarm your guests or invest in methods that don’t work, then these five measures can afford you the peace of mind you deserve.
Academy Course of the Week: Hotel Security Awareness
The Hotel Security Awareness course from eHotelier Academy provides hotel team members with the fundamental skills to ensure a secure environment for guests and employees.
Three new threats on the hotel security radar for 2018
It’s time to talk about the new Sky Touch Security Radar. In the last 12 months, we have noticed significant changes in the threat profile.
Noble House card payment server hacked
Guest information potentially compromised by the malware on a payments server used by The Commons Hotel in Minneapolis includes the cardholder name, card number, expiration date and CVV number.
10 check points to verify your hotel is safe
As far as hotel security is concerned, at night there are far fewer members of staff looking after a much higher number of guests. Stefan Hiller looks at what hotels can do to mitigate the risk at night and to verify your hotel is safe.