Optimal resort revenue management requires organizations to look beyond the guestroom as they seek to maximize revenue. Ideally, resort hoteliers need to understand which guests are likely to spend the most overall during their stay—and even better, understand which guests are most profitable.
Navigating new horizons: strategies for hotel sales teams to thrive in evolving markets
By understanding the needs of their target market, providing them with tailored services, and creating unique experiences for them, hotels can take advantage of these emerging trends and turn their property into an essential destination in the remote work movement.
Cvent forecasts continued group booking slowdown
As supply continues to increase around the world, hoteliers will need to work harder to attract and win group business.
Take back control of your inventory
Never offer more than half of your inventory to resellers during a strong event and never offer more than 25% to a single reseller.
Hotel Group Business: are you drowning in RFPs?
The advance of electronic RFP technology has finally given hotels the ability to streamline, automate and curate RFP responses, giving each request the attention and personalization it requires to secure that business.