Green Globe recently recertified Mvenpick Hotel & Apartments Bur DubaiÊfor the sixth consecutive year with the hotel maintaining its Gold status. @MovenpickHotels
Camping La Fontaine du Hallate certified by Green Globe
Camping La Fontaine du Hallate located in southern Brittany was the first camping ground in the world to be certified by Green Globe. @greenglobecert _
Mövenpick steps up green initiatives
More Mövenpick hotels and resorts are implementing trackable initiatives every year that contribute to the protection of natural resources and support long-term sustainability.
Mövenpick Hotel Münster congratulated on 5 years of continuous Green Globe certification
The hotel also received a commendable compliance score of 80%.
Eco-solutions lead to cost savings at The Conservatorium Hotel Amsterdam
The positive work has resulted in innovative solutions that have not only directly lessened the hotel’s ecological footprint, but they will continue to make a difference in its operations and community for years to come.
Record water and energy savings for eco-conscious Mövenpick properties in the Middle East
A range of hotel-led initiatives, many pioneered by general managers and staff members, led to energy and water reductions of 7.8% and 6.3% respectively in 2014, compared to 2013.