WTTC to collaborate with world’s largest cruise company on convening leading global scientists and health experts on July 23 for a virtual public forum on the latest insights and best practices for living in a world with COVID-19.
What hotels can learn from the tech industry about marketing
With hospitality facing an existential crisis due to such an industry-changing external shock, hoteliers could do worse than look to startups for lessons in adaptation.
U.S. Travel reacts to EU travel ban reports
U.S. Travel Association Executive Vice President for Public Affairs and Policy Tori Emerson Barnes issued a statement in response to reports that the European Union will still exclude most travelers from the U.S. as it opens its borders.
Opening Hotels Safely
The coronavirus pandemic has blindsided the hotel industry in a way that nobody could have predicted until it was too late. Here’s how digital technology can minimize the spread of bacteria and viruses in hotel rooms.
How will hotels turn profitable again?
Hotels must utilise their human capital with far greater efficiency levels. Questions have to be asked, rules have to be rewritten and mindsets have to change. WIll we be thanking this crisis for bringing about the much-needed renaissance to the modus-operandi of the lodging industry?
UK Government continues to hinder recovery of its travel sector
Delayed reaction to slow the spread and buffer the economic impact of COVID-19, combined with current rules regarding social distancing and quarantining is significantly delaying the recovery of the UK travel sector.
Marriott APAC introduces enhanced measures for meetings and events
Hotels across Asia Pacific are working to ensure that they meet the latest guidance on hygiene and cleanliness from the local health authorities to provide guests with a safe and comfortable environment.
How businesses can put their customers at ease during Covid-19
Since most open businesses now require customers to wear a facemask – as well as all employees – it’s almost impossible for your customer to see your smile. But a smile can be “felt” through the words you say and how you say them.
The five changes expected in the hotel industry
The landscape continues to change rapidly and while no one can say with any degree of certainty where everything will land, we are starting to see the shape of things to come. Here are changes that the new normal is likely to bring forward in the hotel industry for owners and operators.
Creativity and flexibility become key for the hotel sector’s new normal
An international hotel webinar held last week to discuss the hotel industry’s journey out of lockdown, warned of the long road ahead for hotel operators to reach full recovery, and the likelihood that the hotel sector and the way it operates will be forever changed as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.