
HR – Wherefore Art Thou? (What every CEO needs to know)

By John Hendrie: Human Resources was once thought to be a discipline of the future in the early 1990’s, when everything was so rosy and plentiful.  Then, we had the high tech implosion, terrorism attacks, two wars, a global economic melt-down and very slow rebuild.  The face of HR has changed just as dramatically – take a peek at what it looks like now.

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Factors to Consider When Pricing Hotel Rooms

By Taoufik Haraketi: Let's not forget that price is only one element in the marketing mix so it should not be insulated from the other variables when making pricing decisions.

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Dressing Up for Success: Hotels Preen and Change Brands

By Amy Zipkin: As the recession has eased and hotel occupancy rates have improved, hotel owners have been increasingly changing their affiliations from one brand to a competitor’s — what is known in the industry as reflagging.

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Why a Flexible Workplace Makes Sense

By Dan Schawbel: The reason why flexible workplace programs are so effective is because we live in a global economy, where employers are hiring from around the world to fill positions and employees want a less restricted workplace.

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Preview 2013: Hotels

By Danny King: The message regarding the 2013 forecast for the U.S. lodging industry from PKF Hospitality Research President Mark Woodworth was stark and clear: Hedge your bets.

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Insights, News

Ten Ways to Spark a Better 2013

By Larry Mogelonsky: Let’s put New Year’s resolutions aside for a moment. Every owner and GM I know wants to find ways to build revenue, year round and not as part of some quick fix race that fizzles out by late January. Here are some ideas to get your team’s creative juices cooking early in the New Year and keep them simmering for the other eleven months:

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What Being Resilient Can Do for Your Hotel Room Sales

By Doug Kennedy: When eHotelier Editor in Chief Anne Edwards reached out to us regular writers about doing an article on the subject of Resiliency, I loved the idea right away. What a terrific word for our industry, as just about every “average” day working in a hotel requires some degree of resiliency at some point.

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2012 Was the Year of High Tech Hotels: What Will 2013 Bring?

By Heather Thomas:  Last year, hotels took baby steps to get into the tech scene, and the first, and maybe most obvious, place to start for many was social media engagement, and integrating online interactions with real-life hotel operations. For example, this year, the Ritz-Carlton Resorts of Naples asked Facebook fans how they take their coffee, and those who answered and then booked a reservation, received their morning coffee exactly to their liking without even ordering first – now that’s true customer service.

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