
Does page two in Google even exist?

If a property’s vanity site can’t be found on the first page and near the top, Google’s algorithm is insinuating that this hotel probably isn’t what this particular guest is looking for.


Can a new dog teach you old tricks?

In many ways, our pets can instruct us on how to effectively manage our employees and how to best treat our teams. Here are ten takeaways that relate to your job as a hotelier.


FIFO and LIFO guest interactions

Our memories fade with time and our brains operate in LIFO, so your last impression on a guest will be the first thing they talk about when asked about their stay.


Set your creative team free if you dare

Big ideas are what will drive brand awareness and positive sentiments towards your property, but you won’t discover these big ideas if you don’t foster a culture of creativity.

Mick Jagger

Technology has caught up with ideation

This interview with John Hach, Senior Industry Analyst at TravelClick highlights how whatever hoteliers want their web presence to capture or express, there is a technology that can now fulfill that need.
