Patrick Landman
CEO of Xotel

About Patrick Landman:

As CEO and Founder of Xotels, Patrick Landman has made it his mission to turn independent hotels and resorts into local market leaders. Xotels´ diverse expertise and deep-knowledge across hotel managementhotel operatorasset managementhotel consulting, and revenue management services, enables them to drive results for independent boutique hotels, luxury eco-resorts, and innovative lodging concepts. Below you will find opinion articles written by Patrick Landman.

Contact Details:



Barcelona, Spain




QR codes

How to use QR codes in hotels as a marketing and guest service tools

QR codes are rapidly gaining popularity as they offer great ways to drive revenue and improve guest experiences. Here are lots of examples of how to use them creatively in...
perfect guest experience

Top 5 essential hotel management tips for the perfect guest experience

It is simply too great a risk to lose revenues as a result of bad reviews, having to issue refunds, or through other issues that generate guest complaints.
stand out

How to make your hotel stand out post Covid-19

The countless marketing, sales, and operational tools available in the market have allowed hoteliers to gain quick returns in the past, but unfortunately mediocre strategies and cookie cutter approaches won't...
outsource Revenue Management

Hotel COVID-19 recovery: is it time to outsource Revenue Management?

Covid-19 has exposed weaknesses both in hotels managing Revenue Management internally as well as the traditional outsourcing model and Revenue Management software providers.