Johanna Bernuy
Marketing Manager
Bookboost AB

About Johanna Bernuy:

Johanna is in charge of all the marketing initiatives and growing the awareness of Bookboost in the market.

Contact Details:







guest journey

7 steps to creating a guest journey for the first time

In an industry as competitive as hospitality, creating a seamless guest journey is essential for hotels. Here is a step-by-step recap on how to do it.

7 steps to creating a guest journey for the first time

From understanding your target audience to leveraging guest data, here's how to put together a guest journey that helps you to achieve your desired results.

3 communication trends hoteliers must consider for their 2023 strategies

The basis for building a communication strategy is understanding how guest expectations have changed and what they want you to value. Here's a look at those expectations in detail to...

9 audiences you can create for better hotel marketing campaigns

By hyper-personalising your campaigns to specific audiences, you are able to increase your conversion rates, powering your upselling, and at the same time increasing your guest loyalty.