Daan De Bruijn
Bookboost AB

About Daan De Bruijn:

As Co-Founder of Bookboost, Daan directs the commercial team, leading sales initiatives and different projects. He’s a world traveller, passionate about hospitality.

Contact Details:







Overcoming the pre-arrival noise: Tips to stand out among other hotels

If you work in hotel marketing or guest experience, you’ve likely faced this challenge: guests aren’t engaging with your pre-arrival emails. It’s easy to assume they’re too busy, but the...

7 features you can’t miss in a hotel CRM

If you are tired of dealing with disorganised and scattered guest data and manually managing all guest communication, you are probably looking to implement (or already have implemented) a CRM...

Automation implementation in hotels: Truths and myths

Is the future of hospitality to have robots instead of people welcoming guests? Maybe, maybe not. But the truth is that as the times move, the demands of modern travellers...
Bookboost - Black Luggagge

Maximising guest relationships: How to reach guests in the post-stay phase

While many hotels focus on the pre-stay and in-stay phases of the guest journey, the post-stay phase is often overlooked. Still, it presents powerful opportunities for building relationships and encouraging...