Anthimos Georgiou
Culinary Program Leader and a Senior Lecturer in Hospitality

About Anthimos Georgiou:

Anthimos Georgiou is the Culinary Program Leader and a Senior Lecturer in Hospitality at International Management Institute in Switzerland. He holds a Master’s Degree in Hospitality / Asset Management from NYU with extensive experience in the hospitality industry including running his own restaurant in NYC and a wine bar in Thessaloniki Greece. He has been teaching University Modules for more than 20 years, including Leadership and Innovation, New Product Development, International Gastronomy, HRM and Business Management.

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International Management Institute in Switzerland




Commandaria, the wine for kings – the king of wines

Commandaria is a sweet wine from the Island of Cyprus in Mediterranean and it is considered to be the oldest wine still in the making, recognized by the Guiness Book...

Train the trainer – the four stages of training

T&D is never ending and it needs to be implemented for all employees at all management levels and positions. It is best to follow this specific four-stage structure when implementing...
training and development

The 3 types and the implementation of training and development

There is a big need of constant training and development because the hospitality industry is evolving, therefore the employees need to be evolved too. Visionary leaders are the ones that...

The domino effect of training and development for hospitality employees

Recognizing the importance of education and utilizing different styles of teaching will eventually motivate the employees to higher performance and will lead to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.